Covered California

What Counts as Income?

In order to determine how much financial help you can get, you will need to estimate your household income for the current year.
Include income from anyone you claim on your taxes.

Covered CA – Determine Your Income
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Be sure to include your spouse’s income if you are married and file your taxes as Married Filing Jointly.
**If claiming a dependent who has worked and has income, you may need to talk to an accountant FIRST to determine your income.**
Are you married, and file your taxes as Married Filing Jointly?
Do you have any Dependents you claim on your taxes?
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Leave blank if not applicable.
Hit the “Enter” key to list each physician on a separate line.
Do you or does anyone in your family take any prescription drugs?
Hit the “Enter” key to list each prescription on a separate line.
  1. What is Gross Taxable Income?
    Gross Taxable Income is your Adjusted Gross Income that appears on Line 11, Page 1, of your Federal tax return, plus the total income for everyone in your household after any deductions. If unsure of this number, please confirm with your Accountant or CPA.

  2. What if I’m self-employed and my income may change?
    You should make your best guess of what you expect your income to be. Then, revisit mid-year, and adjust accordingly by updating your income on Covered California’s website. Doing this may help you to avoid having to pay back some of your subsidy.

  3. If my income changes throughout the year, will my subsidy change?
    It may, depending on several circumstances, but any time throughout the year you can update your income and visit the “Shop and Compare” page to see how you may be impacted.